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Terrain Toolkit 1.0 Released!

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 07:53 AM PST

The Terrain Toolkit is an integrated set of tools for the Unity Editor which is designed to streamline and improve the workflow involved in creating realistic terrains for games. The toolkit enables the creation of large scale, realistic and playable game worlds within a very short time span.

Unity already has a powerful terrain engine as one of its core features. The Terrain Toolkit expands on this by providing the user with the ability to rapidly create a variety of different landscapes directly within Unity without needing to use third party software. An additional advantage is that landscapes can now be generated dynamically at runtime. This means a Unity game can have a potentially infinite number of levels or landscapes with a negligible impact on the file size.

Integrated terrain creation tools

The Terrain Toolkit provides an intuitive interface within the Unity Editor allowing a Unity artist to simply generate, erode and texture terrain objects. Quick and easy-to-use presets are provided for first time users, while advanced users can tweak low level settings such as rainfall and evaporation to get exactly the result they are after.

Watch the tutorial video to learn more about using the Terrain Toolkit:

A powerful runtime API

The Terrain Toolkit comes with a powerful API that allows developers to call any of the terrain generation, erosion and texturing scripts at runtime.

This Unity web player shows the Terrain Toolkit API in action:

The planned features for future versions of the Terrain Toolkit:

  • Texture presets
  • User defined presets
  • The ability to apply pre-defined presets through the API
  • Realtime destructible terrain
  • The ability to create multiple, maskable terrain 'layers'
  • An advanced hydraulic erosion filter based on a shallow water model
  • Glacial erosion


Comprehensive documentation for the Terrain Toolkit and the API is included in HTML format. The latest version of the documentation can also be viewed here:

Questions and support

If you have any questions about the Terrain Toolkit, the API, or any suggestions for improvements or new features, please feel free to contact Nekharoth on the Unity forums or through Nekharoth's developer blog:


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Lipsync 4.0 is available

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 07:40 AM PST

Annosoft announced Lipsync 4.0 is available. Version 4.0 of the Lipsync Tool is the most substantial update to date. This update focuses on the user experience with new tools and features that aid in the production of high quality lipsync data.

Key New Features

Advanced Phoneme editing – Tweaking phonemes for 3D lipsync just got a whole lot easier. A mixer approach that is easy to use and generates smooth lipsync curves without curve editing.

Improved Autodesk Maya integration –The Maya toolset has been rewritten from the ground up with production environments in mind.

Project System – New project system creates a centralized management point for all a projects lipsync needs.

New text based languages supported - Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

Customizable and improved UI – Toolbars can be customized and the entire "brightness" of the tool can be adjusted to taste.

Detailed New Features

Phoneme Editing

Phoneme editing has been rewritten from the ground up, creating a much more interactive experience. Designed to work similar to a video editing tool, each phoneme works as a "piece" of the timeline with its own value and duration. Users now have the ability to quickly and easily edit any phoneme value within the timeline using a familiar interface.

  • Adjust length and value of phonemes interactively in the timeline.
    • Fully interactive timeline elements allow for quick and easy editing of each phoneme from directly within the timeline.
  • Real time feedback of phonetic adjustments.
    • All adjustments provide real time feedback in the Character Viewport.
  • Group adjust phonemes values quickly
    • By selecting a group of phonemes, the user is able to adjust that range of values quickly and easily.
    • Phonemes retain their relative spacing even when all are set to a value of 0, giving the user many options for editing.

Autodesk® Maya® Integration

The Autodesk® Maya® pipeline to and from the Lipsync Tool has been completely rewritten, and now supports any deformation function from within Autodesk® Maya® (including bones). Character setup and integration has been designed with production pipelines in mind, and can be integrated into any workflow.

  • Automatic Phoneme Mapping
    • The new Autodesk® Maya® tools contain functions that generate all the necessary viseme to phoneme mappings, making the setup process almost transparent.
  • Create Character
    • Creating a character is a simpler and less time intensive process. Simply create your scene as you normally would and run the character script. After selecting the base viseme set, the tool will create all the necessary mappings in the scene for importing and exporting of data. The Annosoft Controls can be mapped to ANY data in a Autodesk® Maya® scene using expressions, set driven keys, or whatever best suits your workflow!
  • Import Data
    • Gone are the days of mapping data from the Lipsync Tool to Autodesk® Maya®. Simply run Import Data from the Annosoft menu and select the .anno file you wish to load. Once loaded, your scene will be fully animated.
  • Based on freeform workflow
    • Built with both technical directors and novice riggers in mind, the Autodesk® Maya® tools offer a simple yet effective set of tools that can integrate into any workflow.
  • Create point on curve controls
    • New feature for using Autodesk® Maya's® pointOnCurveInfo node to automatically create a curve/locator infrastructure that can be used to drive bones (see tutorials for more information).

Project System

The new Project System makes working in teams on large sets of files easier and more organized. Users now have a single point of reference for an entire project's audio needs.

  • Single point of reference for all the files for a given project.
    • The project contains all the information about languages and associated files. Both directories and individual files are supported, including recursive directory searches. Project setup is easy. simply select the langauges and add the necessary files.
  • Visual lipsync completion
    • Each lipsync file shows whether or not is has a .anno file and a .txt file. Additionally each file can be "checked" off the list as done giving a total view of the project in its entirety.
  • Easily manage all languages in one place
    • The project list is filterable by language. The languages available to the project (selected a setup) will determine the list.
  • Batch functionality
    • With the Batch functionally, users can now directly connect to the command line tools for batch processing of the entire project. The Lipsync tool can now be used as a central hub or management tool for all the lipsync in a project from inception to delivery. Annosoft Lipsync SDK is required for batch functionality support within the tool.


  • Fully Modular UI
    • All windows are dockable or removable, giving the user infinite options for creating a custom and comfortable workspace.
  • Timeline scrubbing
    • Users can now scrub the timeline and see the results in real time in the character viewport
  • Added UI Skins and Tinting features
    • Adjust the overall look and feel of the interface.
  • Additional viewport manipulation controls
    • Added Viewport panning Shift + Left Button or Middle Button
    • Scrollwheel zooming of viewport
    • Added ctrl NUM + and ctrl NUM – to zoom in and out on the timeline


Continued support for additional language continues as Annosoft had added double byte support! Newly added Asian languages allow easy and fast deployment of localized content to the Asian Market. For a complete list of all languages supported, please visit for more information.

  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Chinese

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Pixologic Released: UV Master

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 07:17 AM PST

Pixologic is proud to announce the release of UV Master. A plugin for ZBrush 3.2 Mac and ZBrush 3.5R3 WIN.

With UV Master , you can quickly create high quality and artist-friendly UV maps. It's as simple as 1-2-3

1. Select your model's lowest subdivision level.
2. Click UV Master's Unwrap button.
3. Actually, there is no step 3. You're done!

UV Master will unwrap your model's UVs in a way that's easily understood by the human eye and without texture distortion. It's incredibly fast, with results so clean that you can paint on the unwrapped model in a 2D image editor of your choice. (This includes ZBrush's 2.5D canvas.)

UV Master was also built with several innovative features to help control its automated UV creation. It can:

Use your model's polygroups to create UV islands. In this way you can for example unwrap the face separately from the rest of the body. Or have different texture space for the inner and outer surfaces.
Use Control Painting to protect parts of the model from UV seams and attract them toward places where they'll be out of sight. For example, a couple brush strokes can move the unwrap seams to a model's back where they will be out of sight. This is ideal for normal maps, which are typically very sensitive to UV seams.
You can also use Control Painting to change how the UVs make use of the available texture space. If your model's face is where most of the detail needs to be, a single stroke with the paint brush can tell UV Master to give it more texture pixels.

UV Master can even combine any or all of these options, giving you remarkable control while saving hours of tedious work. UV Master will free you from the labor of creating UVs, giving you more time to release the Artist inside you and focus on your sculpting and texturing!

UV Master Feature List:
Create high quality UV Unwrap in one click.
Control of UV seam placement through control painting: seam Protect and seam Attract options.
Specialized Ambient Occlusion algorithm to automatically create seam Attract painting, which you can then refine if desired.
Density mode to paint areas in which UV space will be increased or decreased to give the most texture pixels where it really matters.
Flatten mode to literally unwrap your model as a flat surface based on its UVs. You can then use TransPose or the ZBrush sculpting brushes to adjust your UVs.
Check Seams mode to display the UV seams on your model so that you can identify potential problems before you begin painting.
Use UV seams created in other packages, but remap for better use of the texture space and zero distortion.
Unwrap by polygroups.
Includes several checkerboard maps to visualize the results of the UV unwrap.
Work On Clone feature instantly sets your model up for control painting without putting your existing sculpting or painting at risk.
Copy UVs and Paste UVs to easily transfer UV mapping back to your original model, or even to another model with the same topology.
Full documentation with tutorials.

What to know about UV Master:
UV Master has been designed as a one-click UV Unwrap solution, with extra controls for if you wish to change or improve this first result.
UV Master's purpose is to create UVs quickly with a result that will suit the needs of 95% of artists.
UV Master creates and manages the UV seams system automatically. You do not use it to try and draw specific UV seams.
You can "drive" UV Master to attract or protect UV seam creation in parts of the model by painting large areas. The plugin has been designed to work with large painted areas rather than requiring you to focus on specific seam placement.
UV Master is a UV creator plugin and not a full UV editor. However, it can make use of the seams from a full UV editor for those rare situations where precise seam placement is required while still giving the benefits of UV Master's distortion-free unwrapping.

More info HERE!

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